List of Assignments
Happy Republic Day!

Science – Chapter 07: Reaching the Age of Adolescence
- Q1. What is the term used for chemical secretions of endocrine glands responsible for changes taking place in the body?
- Q2. What is menstruation? Explain.
- Q3. What are sex hormones? Why are they named so? State their function.
- Q4. Write notes on—
- (a) Adam’s apple.
- (b) Secondary sexual characters.
- (c) Sex determination in the unborn baby.
Science – Chapter 07: Reaching the Age of Adolescence
- Q1. What is the term used for chemical secretions of endocrine glands responsible for changes taking place in the body?
- Q2. What is menstruation? Explain.
- Q3. What are sex hormones? Why are they named so? State their function.
- Q4. Write notes on—
- (a) Adam’s apple.
- (b) Secondary sexual characters.
- (c) Sex determination in the unborn baby.
Science – Chapter 13: Light
Q1. Suppose you are in a dark room. Can you see objects in the room? Can you see objects outside the room? Explain.
- Q2. Differentiate between regular and diffused reflection. Does diffused reflection mean the failure of the laws of reflection?
- Q3. Mention against each of the following whether regular or diffused reflection will take place when a beam of light strikes. Justify your answer in each case.
- (a) Polished wooden table
- (b) Chalk powder
- (c) Cardboard surface
- (d) Marble floor with water spread over it
- (e) Mirror
- (f) Piece of paper
- Q4. State the laws of reflection.
- Q5. Describe an activity to show that the incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal at the point of incidence lie in the same plane.
Mathematics – Chapter 07: Comparing Quantities
- Q1. Find the ratio of the following:
- (a) Speed of a cycle 15 km per hour to the speed of a scooter 30 km per hour.
- (b) 5 m to 10 km
- (c) 50 paise to ₹ 5
- Q2. Convert the following ratio to percentages:
- a) 3:4
- b) 2:3
- Q3. 72% of 25 students are good in mathematics. How many are not good in mathematics?
- Q4. A football team won 10 matches out of the total number of matches they played. If their win percentage was 40, then how many matches did they play in all?
Science – Chapter 05: Conservation of Plants and Animals
- Q1. Discuss the effects of deforestation on the following.
- (a) Wild animals
- (b) Environment
- (c) Villages (Rural areas)
- (d) Cities (Urban areas)
- (e) Earth
- (f) The next generation
Science – Chapter 11: Chemical Effects of Electric Current
- Q1. Fill in the blanks.
- (a) Most liquids that conduct electricity are solutions of ______________ and ______________.
- (b) The passage of an electric current through a solution causes ______________ effects.
- (c) If you pass current through copper sulphate solution, copper gets deposited on the plate connected to the ___________terminal of the battery.
- (d) The process of depositing a layer of any desired metal on another material by means of electricity is called _________.
- Q2. A tester is used to check the conduction of electricity through two liquids, labelled A and B. It is found that the bulb of the tester glows brightly for liquid A, while it glows very dimly for liquid B. You would conclude that
- (i) liquid A is a better conductor than liquid B.
- (ii) liquid B is a better conductor than liquid A.
- (iii) both liquids are equally conducting.
- (iv) conducting properties of liquid cannot be compared in this manner.
- Q3. In case of a fire, before the firemen use the water hoses, they shut off the main electrical supply for the area. Explain why they do this.
- Q4. Is it safe for the electrician to carry out electrical repairs outdoors during heavy downpours? Explain.
Science – Chapter 04: Combustion and Flame
- Q1. It is difficult to burn a heap of green leaves but dry leaves catch fire easily. Explain.
- Q2. Which zone of a flame does a goldsmith use for melting gold and silver and why?
- Q3. In an experiment, 4.5 kg of a fuel was completely burnt. The heat produced was measured to be 180,000 kJ. Calculate the calorific value of the fuel.
- Q4. Can the process of rusting be called combustion? Discuss.
Science – Chapter 07: Reaching the Age of Adolescence
- Q1. What is the term used for chemical secretions of endocrine glands responsible for changes taking place in the body?
- Q2. Define adolescence.
- Q3. List changes in the body that take place at puberty.
- Q4. Prepare a Table having two columns depicting the names of endocrine glands and hormones secreted by them.
Mathematics – Chapter 13: Introduction to Graphs
- Q1. Plot the following points on a graph sheet. Verify if they lie on a line
- (a) A(4,0), B(4, 2),C(4,6), D(4, 2.5)
- (b) P(1, 1), Q(2, 2), R(3,3), S(4, 4)
- (c) K(2, 3), L(5, 3), M(5,5), N(2, 5)
- Q2. Draw the line passing through (2,3)and(3,2). Find the coordinates of the points at which this line meets the x-axis and y-axis.
- Q3. State whether True or False. Correct those that are False.
- (i) A point whose x-coordinate is zero and y-coordinate is non-zero will lie on the y-axis.
- (ii) A point whose y-coordinate is zero and x-coordinate is 5 will lie on the y-axis.
- (iii) The coordinates of the origin are (0, 0).
Mathematics – Chapter 07: Comparing Quantities
- Q1. A football team won 10 matches out of the total number of matches they played. If their win percentage was 40, then how many matches did they play in all?
- Q2. If Chameli had ₹600 left after spending 75% of her money, how much did she have in the beginning?
- Q3. A man got a 10% increase in his salary. If his new salary is ₹1,54,000, find his original salary.
- Q4. On Sunday, 845 people went to the zoo. On Monday, only 169 people went. What is the per cent decrease in the number of people visiting the zoo on Monday?
- Q5. A shopkeeper buys 80 articles for ₹ 2,400 and sells them for a profit of 16%. Find the selling price of one article.
“Happy Makar Sankranti 2024!”
Science – Chapter 05: Conservation of Plants and Animals
- Q1.
- (a) A place where animals are protected in their natural habitat is called a _________.
- (b) Species found only in a particular area are known as _______.
- (c) Migratory birds fly to faraway places because of __________ changes.
- Q2. Discuss the effects of deforestation on the following.
- (a) Wild animals
- (b) Environment
- (c) Villages (Rural areas)
- (d) Cities (Urban areas)
- (e) Earth
- (f) The next generation
- Q3. Answer in brief.
- (a) Why should we conserve biodiversity?
- (b) Protected forests are also not completely safe for wild animals. Why?
- (c) Some tribals depend on the jungle. How?
- (d) What are the causes and consequences of deforestation?
- (e) What is Red Data Book?
- (f) What do you understand by the term migration?
Science – Chapter 13: Light
- Q1. Suppose you are in a dark room. Can you see objects in the room? Can you see objects outside the room? Explain.
- Q2. Differentiate between regular and diffused reflection. Does diffused reflection mean the failure of the laws of reflection?
- Q3. Mention against each of the following whether regular or diffused reflection will take place when a beam of light strikes. Justify your answer in each case.
- (a) Polished wooden table
- (b) Chalk powder
- (c) Cardboard surface
- (d) Marble floor with water spread over it
- (e) Mirror
- (f) Piece of paper
Physics – Chapter 03: Coal and Petroleum
- Q1. List conditions under which combustion can take place.
- Q2.
- (a) Burning of wood and coal causes __________of air.
- (b) A liquid fuel, used in homes is__________ .
- (c) Fuel must be heated to its ____________ before it starts burning.
- (d) The fire produced by oil cannot be controlled by___________ .
- Q3. Compare LPG and wood as fuels.
- Q4. Give reasons.
- (a) Water is not used to control fires involving electrical equipment.
- (b) LPG is a better domestic fuel than wood.
- (c) Paper by itself catches fire easily whereas a piece of paper wrapped around an aluminium pipe does not.
- Q5. Explain how CO2 is able to control fires.
Science – Chapter 01: Crop Production and Management
- Q1. Give two examples of each.
- (a) Kharif crop
- (b) Rabi crop
- Q2. Write a paragraph in your own words on each of the following.
- (a) Preparation of soil
- (b) Sowing
- (c) Weeding
- (d) Threshing
- Q3. What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation which conserve water.
- Q4. If wheat is sown in the Kharif season, what would happen? Discuss.
Physics – Chapter 04: Combustion and Flame
- Q1. Fill in the blanks:
- (a) Burning of wood and coal causes __________of air.
- (b) A liquid fuel, used in homes is__________ .
- (c) Fuel must be heated to its ____________ before it starts burning.
- (d) The fire produced by oil cannot be controlled by___________ .
- Q2. Explain how the use of CNG in automobiles has reduced pollution in our cities.
- Q3. Give reasons.
- (a) Water is not used to control fires involving electrical equipment.
- (b) LPG is a better domestic fuel than wood.
- (c) Paper by itself catches fire easily whereas a piece of paper wrapped around an aluminium pipe does not.
Mathematics – Chapter 01: Rational Numbers
- Q1. Name the property under multiplication used in each of the following:
- (i) -4/5 × 1 = 1 × (-4/5) = -4/5
- (ii) -13/17 × (-2/7) = -2/7 × (-13/17)
- (iii) -19/29 × 29/-19 = 1
- Q2. Write:
- (i) The rational number that does not have a reciprocal.
- (ii) The rational numbers that are equal to their reciprocals.
- (iii) The rational number that is equal to its negative.
- Q3. Fill in the blanks.
- (i) Zero has _______reciprocal.
- (ii) The numbers ______and _______are their own reciprocals
- (iii) The reciprocal of – 5 is ________.
- (iv) Reciprocal of 1/x, where x ≠ 0 is _________.
- (v) The product of two rational numbers is always a ________.
- (vi) The reciprocal of a positive rational number is _________.
Science – Chapter 05: Conservation of Plants and Animals
- Q1. Answer in brief.
- (a) Why should we conserve biodiversity?
- (b) Protected forests are also not completely safe for wild animals. Why?
- (c) Some tribals depend on the jungle. How?
- (d) What are the causes and consequences of deforestation?
- (e) What is Red Data Book?
- (f) What do you understand by the term migration?
- Q2. In order to meet the ever-increasing demand in factories and for shelter, trees are continually being cut. Is it justified to cut trees for such projects? Discuss and prepare a brief report.
Science – Chapter 05: Conservation of Plants and Animals
- Q1. . Fill in the blanks.
- (a) A place where animals are protected in their natural habitat is called a _________.
- (b) Species found only in a particular area are known as _______.
- (c) Migratory birds fly to faraway places because of __________ changes.
- Q2. Differentiate between the following.
- (a) Wildlife sanctuary and biosphere reserve
- (b) Zoo and wildlife sanctuary
- (c) Endangered and extinct species
- (d) Flora and fauna
- Q3. What will happen if
- (a) we go on cutting trees
- (b) the habitat of an animal is disturbed
- (c) the top layer of soil is exposed
Science – Chapter 6 – Photosynthesis – Provider Of Food For All
- Q1. Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction?
- (a) A plastic scale
- (b) A copper rod
- (c) An inflated balloon
- (d) A woolen cloth.
- Q2. Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off a sweater during winter. Explain.
- Q3. Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake is measured. An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would it be recorded by a seismograph? Is it likely to cause much damage?
- Q4. Describe with the help of a diagram an instrument which can be used to detect a charged body.
Mathematics – Chapter 11 – Direct and Inverse Variations
- Q1. A photograph of a bacteria enlarged 50,000 times attains a length of 5 cm, as shown in the diagram. What is the actual length of the bacteria? If the photograph is enlarged 20,000 times only, what would be its enlarged length?
- Q2. Suppose 2 kg of sugar contains 9×10^6 crystals. How many sugar crystals are there in
- (i) 5 kg of sugar?
- (ii) 1.2 kg of sugar?
- Q3. Rashmi has a road map with a scale of 1 cm representing 18 km. She drives on the road for 72 km. What would be her distance covered on the map?
- Q4. A loaded truck travels 14 km in 25 minutes. If the speed remains the same, how far can it travel in 5 hours?
Science – Chapter 11 – Chemical Effects of Electric Current
- Q1. Fill in the blanks.
- (a) Most liquids that conduct electricity are solutions of ______ , ______ and ______
- (b) The passage of an electric current through a solution causes _______ effects.
- (c) If you pass current through copper sulphate solution, copper gets deposited on the plate connected to the ________ terminal of the battery.
- (d) The process of depositing a layer of any desired metal on another material by means of electricity is called _______
- Q2. A tester is used to check the conduction of electricity through two liquids, labelled A and B. It is found that the bulb of the tester glows brightly for liquid A while it glows very dimly for liquid B. You would conclude that
- (i) liquid A is a better conductor than liquid B.
- (ii) liquid B is a better conductor than liquid A.
- (iii) both liquids are equally conducting.
- (iv) conducting properties of liquid cannot be compared in this manner.
- Q3. A child staying in a coastal region tests the drinking water and also the seawater with his tester. He finds that the compass needle deflects more in the case of seawater. Can you explain the reason?
- Q4. Prepare a list of objects around you that are electroplated.
Science – Chapter 09: Friction
- Q1. Four children were asked to arrange forces due to rolling, static and sliding frictions in decreasing order. Their arrangements are given below. Choose the correct arrangement.
- (a) rolling, static, sliding
- (b) rolling, sliding, static
- (c) static, sliding, rolling
- (d) sliding, static, rolling
- Q2. Suppose your writing desk is tilted a little. A book kept on it starts sliding down. Show the direction of frictional force acting on it.
- Q3. Explain why sportsmen use shoes with spikes.
- Q4. Explain why sliding friction is less than static friction.
- Q5. Explain why objects moving in fluids must have special shapes.
Mathematics – Chapter 09 – Mensuration
- Q1. The lateral surface area of a hollow cylinder is 4224 sq. cm. It is cut along its height and formed a rectangular sheet of width 33 cm. Find the perimeter of rectangular sheet?
- Q2. A road roller takes 750 complete revolutions to move once over to level a road. Find the area of the road if the diameter of a road roller is 84 cm and length 1 m.
- Q3. A milk tank is in the form of cylinder whose radius is 1.5 m and length is 7 m. Find the quantity of milk in liters that can be stored in the tank.
Mathematics – Ch 09 – Mensuration
- Q1. The floor of a building consists of 3000 tiles which are rhombus shaped and each of its diagonals are 45 cm and 30 cm in length. Find the total cost of polishing the floor, if the cost per m2 is Rs 4.
- Q2. A road roller takes 750 complete revolutions to move once over to level a road. Find the area of the road if the diameter of a road roller is 84 cm and length is 1 m.
- Q3. Given a cylindrical tank, in which situation will you find surface area and in which situation volume.
- (a) To find how much it can hold
- (b) Number of cement bags required to plaster it
- (c) To find the number of smaller tanks that can be filled with water from it.
- Q4. Find the height of the cylinder whose volume is 1.54 m3 and diameter of the base is 140 cm?
Science – Ch 13 – Sound
- Q1. Sketch the larynx and explain its function in your own words.
- Q2. Lightning and thunder take place in the sky at the same time and at the same distance from us. Lightning is seen earlier, and thunder is heard later. Can you explain why?
- Q3. Your parents are going to buy a house. They have been offered one on the roadside and another three lanes away from the roadside. Which house would you suggest your parents should buy? Explain your answer.
Mathematics – Ch 09 – Mensuration
- Q1. The area of a trapezium is 34 cm2 and the length of one of the parallel sides is 10 cm and its height is 4 cm. Find the length of the other parallel side.
- Q2. Length of the fence of a trapezium shaped field ABCD is 120 m. If BC = 48 m, CD = 17 m and AD = 40 m, find the area of this field. Side AB is perpendicular to the parallel sides AD and BC.
- Q3. Find the area of a rhombus whose side is 5 cm and whose altitude is 4.8 cm. If one of its diagonals is 8 cm long, find the length of the other diagonal.
- Q4. The floor of a building consists of 3000 tiles which are rhombus shaped and each of its diagonals are 45 cm and 30 cm in length. Find the total cost of polishing the floor, if the cost per m2 is Rs 4.
- Q5. A closed cylindrical tank of radius 7 m and height 3 m is made from a sheet of metal. How much sheet of metal is required?
Science – Ch 08 – Friction
- Q1. Define friction.
- Q2. What are lubricants?
- Q3. What is rolling friction?
- Q4. What is meant by air resistance?
- Q5. Why is it difficult to walk on ice?
Mathematics – Chapter 11 – Mensuration
- Q1. Length of the fence of a trapezium-shaped field ABCD is 120 m. If BC = 48 m, CD = 17 m and AD = 40 m, find the area of this field. Side AB is perpendicular to the parallel sides AD and BC.
- Q2. The diagonals of a rhombus are 7.5 cm and 12 cm. Find its area.
- Q3. Mohan wants to buy a trapezium shaped field. Its side along the river is parallel to and twice the side along the road. If the area of this field is 10500 m2 and the perpendicular distance between the two parallel sides is 100 m, find the length of the side along the river.
- Q4. Find the side of a cube whose surface area is 600 sq. cm.
- Q5. Daniel is painting the walls and ceiling of a cuboidal hall with length, breadth and height of 15 m, 10 m and 7 m respectively. From each can of paint 100 sq. m of area is painted. How many cans of paint will she need to paint the room?
Science – Ch 13 – Sound
- Q1. The sound from a mosquito is produced when it vibrates its wings at an average rate of 500 vibrations per second. What is the time period of the vibration?
- Q2. Identify the part which vibrates to produce sound in the following instruments.
- (a) Dholak
- (b) Sitar
- (c) Flute
- Q3. List sources of noise pollution in your surroundings.
- Q4. Explain in what way noise pollution is harmful to humans.
Science – Chapter 9 – Sound
- Q1. Sound can travel through
- (a) gases only
- (b) solids only
- (c) liquids only
- (d) solids, liquids and gases.
- Q2. Which of the following voices is likely to have minimum frequency?
- (a) Baby girl
- (b) Baby boy
- (c) A man
- (d) A woman
- Q3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
- (a) Time taken by an object to complete one oscillation is called _________.
- (b) Loudness is determined by the ________ of vibration.
- (c) The unit of frequency is _________.
- (d) Unwanted sound is called _________.
- (e) Shrillness of a sound is determined by the _________ of vibration.
Santa Claus is coming! Hope you’ve been a good kid. What could be your surprise?!
Well, no assignment today!
Mathematics – Ch 11 – Mensuration
- Q1. Length of the fence of a trapezium shaped field ABCD is 120 m. If BC = 48 m, CD = 17 m and AD = 40 m, find the area of this field. Side AB is perpendicular to the parallel sides AD and BC.
- Q2. The diagonal of a quadrilateral shaped field is 24 m and the perpendiculars dropped on it from the remaining opposite vertices are 8 m and 13 m. Find the area of the field.
- Q3. The diagonals of a rhombus are 7.5 cm and 12 cm. Find its area.
- Q4. The floor of a building consists of 3000 tiles which are rhombus shaped and each of its diagonals are 45 cm and 30 cm in length. Find the total cost of polishing the floor, if the cost per sq.m is Rs. 4.
Mathematics – Chapter 09 – Mensuration
- Q1. Mrs. Kaushik has a square plot with the measurement as shown in the following figure. She wants to construct a house in the middle of the plot. A garden is developed around the house. Find the total cost of developing a garden around the house at the rate of Rs 55 per m2.
- Q2. A flooring tile has the shape of a parallelogram whose base is 24 cm and the corresponding height is 10 cm. How many such tiles are required to cover a floor of area 1080 m2? (If required you can split the tiles in whatever way you want to fill up the corners).
- Q3. The shape of the top surface of a table is a trapezium. Find its area if its parallel sides are 1 m and 1.2 m and the perpendicular distance between them is 0.8 m.
- Q4. The area of a trapezium is 34 cm2 and the length of one of the parallel sides is 10 cm and its height is 4 cm. Find the length of the other parallel side.
Science – Ch 09 – Friction
- Q1. Fill in the blanks.
- (a) Friction opposes the ______ between the surfaces in contact with each other.
- (b) Friction depends on the ______ of surfaces.
- (c) Friction produces ______
- (d) The sprinkling of powder on the carrom board _______ friction.
- (e) Sliding friction is _______ than the static friction.
- Q2. Four children were asked to arrange forces due to rolling, static and sliding frictions in decreasing order. Their arrangements are given below. Choose the correct arrangement.
- (a) rolling, static, sliding
- (b) rolling, sliding, static
- (c) static, sliding, rolling
- (d) sliding, static, rolling
- Q3. Geeta has to push a lighter box and Seema has to push a similar heavier box on the same floor. Who will have to apply a larger force and why?
Science – Ch 09 – Friction
- Q1. You spill a bucket of soapy water on a marble floor accidently. Would it make it easier or more difficult for you to walk on the floor? Why?
- Q2. Explain why sportsmen use shoes with spikes.
- Q3. Explain why sliding friction is less than static friction.
- Q4. Give examples to show that friction is both a friend and a foe.
Science – Ch 11 – Force and Pressure
- Q1. Fill in the blanks:
- (a) To draw water from a well, we have to __________ at the rope.
- (b) A charged body __________ an uncharged body towards it.
- (c) To move a loaded trolley, we have to __________ it.
- (d) The north pole of a magnet __________the north pole of another magnet.
- Q2. A rocket has been fired upwards to launch a satellite in its orbit. Name the two forces acting on the rocket immediately after leaving the launching pad.
- Q3. In the following situations, identify the agent exerting the force and the object on which it acts. State the effect of the force in each case.
- (a) Squeezing a piece of lemon between the fingers to extract its juice.
- (b) Taking out paste from a toothpaste tube.
Science – Ch 11 – Force and Pressure
- Q1. Give two examples of situations in which applied force causes a change in the shape of an object.
- Q2.
- (a) To draw water from a well, we have to __________ at the rope.
- (b) A charged body __________ an uncharged body towards it.
- (c) To move a loaded trolley, we have to __________ it.
- (d) The north pole of a magnet __________the north pole of another magnet.
- Q3. A blacksmith hammers a hot piece of iron while making a tool. How does the force due to hammering affect the piece of iron?
- Q4. An inflated balloon was pressed against a wall after it had been rubbed with a piece of synthetic cloth. It was found that the balloon stuck to the wall. What force might be responsible for the attraction between the balloon and the wall?